Saturday, November 1, 2014

Weimar Constitution Book given after graduation  

Weimar Constitution 

The first article I would like to focus on is Article 48.  It is one that I found interesting because of the manner in which it was used once by Hitler to impose his power.  

Article 48:

“If a state (8) does not fulfil the obligations laid upon it by the Reich constitution or the Reich laws, the Reich President may use armed force to cause it to oblige.
In case public safety is seriously threatened or disturbed, the Reich President may take the measures necessary to reestablish law and order, if necessary using armed force. In the pursuit of this aim he may suspend the civil rights described in articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 154, partially or entirely.
The Reich President has to inform Reichstag immediately about all measures undertaken which are based on paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article. The measures have to be suspended immediately if Reichstag demands so.
If danger is imminent, the state government may, for their specific territory, implement steps as described in paragraph 2. These steps have to be suspended if so demanded by the Reich President or the Reichstag. Further details are provided by Reich law.”


The article gives the president the right to take action if needed, which could definitely be a good thing, and was intended to be.  But soon after Hitler became President after Hiddenburg’s death he used the power given to control and bring about his reich and Nazism.  This article is not specified in many areas, like what is specifically considered and area in which the president can make these decisions and also what is appropriate force.  

One of the areas of the Weimar Constitution which I found interesting was the Fourth Chapter, Education.  One of the reasons i chose a passage from this section is because one, I am furthering my studies in education so it interests me; also because the US constitution does not guarantee the right of education under the constitution, so it is interesting to read one in another country that does.  

Article 148:

“All schools have to work towards ethical education, patriotic spirit, personal and occupational fitness in the spirit of German nationality and international understanding. In the instruction at public schools it has to be taken into consideration not to hurt the feelings of dissenters. Civics and teaching by doing are school subjects. Every pupil, upon graduation, will be given a copy of the constitution. Secondary education, including Volkshochschulen (general education schools open to everyone) have to be promoted by Reich, states, and communities.”


Its interesting to see the states regulations for schooling in Germany.  The first sentence is mandated to implement German nationalism in all schools, making sure children have a true understanding of the country they live in.  The fact that every student is given a copy of the constitution, also further expresses the sense of nationalism they want the children to gain.  It’s very interesting to see the constitution being incorporated so much, like obtaining a copy of it after graduating.  Another line that stand out is the consideration not to hurt the feelings of dissenters.  Shows a soft spot in Germany, one that I did not know was there due to Nazism. 

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